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Implementation and Enforcement of International Enviromental Law - Pavel Šturma (ed.) et al.

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Part I
Traditional methods and means of enforcing IEL

The Legal Consequences of Non-Compliance with International Enviromental Rules
Čestmír Čepelka

International Liability for Injurious Consequences of Activities not Prohibited by International Law: Mission Possible or Impossible?
Pavel Šturma

Codification Task: The Responsibility of International Organizations
Dalibor Jílek

Part II
Human rights and enforcement of IEL

Le droit à ľenvironment en tant que moyen ďassuer la mise en œuvre de traités internationaux
Alexandre Kiss

La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme et la mise en oeuvre du droit international de ľenvinronment
Paul Tavernier

Part III
Alternative methods of enforcing IEL

Non-Compliance Procedures and the Case of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Changes
Massimiliano Montini

Means of Verification in the International Environmental Law
Jan Ondřej

Part IV
Implementation and enforcement of IEL in internal legal orders

National Means of Enforcing of International Environmental Law (on the example of the the Czech Republic)
Milan Damohorský

Status of International Treaties on Environmental Protection in the Internal Law: The Case of the Czech Republic
Mahulena Hofmann

Transposition, Implementation and Enforcement of the EC Environmental Law
Martin Smolek